
Building the brand of VINN Auto | Increasing leads | Improving marketing flows | A/B testing | Conducting CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) operations on all platforms, including landing pages

How can we streamline
the car buying process?

background 📖

Car shopping made simple

The car buying process can be intimidating alone, making it difficult to find the perfect car and the best deal.

This is where VINN comes in, it's car shopping made simple.

the problem

Car shopping is intimidating

So, as a scrappy startup called VINN Auto, we faced some serious challenges when it came to scaling our marketing efforts and nailing lead generation. We were newbies in setting up funnels and tracking stuff, which kinda slowed us down in getting the results we wanted. Bummer, right?

Market research 👔🔍

Where we can fit in

When it came to building our brand, we knew that understanding our audience was crucial. We embarked on an extensive market research journey to delve deep into the demographics that mattered most to us. But we didn't stop there. We sought input from every stakeholder, ensuring that our brand resonated personally with each and every one of them.

Market research 💬

I came up with the following conclusions

We rolled up our sleeves and conducted surveys with our successful car-buying customers. We asked them about their discovery process, ways to improve their experience, and gathered valuable feedback. By cross-filtering their data, including age, gender, and location, we gained insights to enhance our marketing strategies.

We listened closely to our customers and implemented their suggestions to optimize our processes. Their feedback drove improvements across our website, landing pages, and customer support. We prioritized their needs, resulting in higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Through genuine connections and data-driven insights, we continually refined our strategies to create an exceptional car-buying journey. This allowed us to achieve a 25% conversion rate on the top performers.

How we did it🧑🧑

Paid Ads | A/B Testing | Thoughtful Copy & Design

1. Dominating TikTok and Instagram:
We knew that to reach our target audience effectively, we had to go where they were hanging out. So, we went all-in on TikTok and Instagram, those awesome platforms where the cool kids thrive. We used these channels not only to promote our brand but also to educate our audience on the affordability of cars. Through captivating videos and engaging content, we spilled the beans on the secret formula for comfortably affording that dream car. By making car affordability accessible and relatable, we built a strong connection with our followers and generated buzz around VINN Auto.

2. The Magical "Car Quiz" Experience:
To create an interactive and personalized experience for our potential customers, we leveraged the power of Typeform. We developed this kickass "Car Quiz" that captured people's attention and sparked their curiosity. It was like magic! Users took the quiz and answered a series of questions, including their contact details. And voila! We directed them to our website, where they were presented with a curated selection of cars that matched their preferences and needs. This tailored approach made car shopping a breeze and ensured that our customers felt seen and understood right from the start.

3. Perfecting Landing Pages and Success Stories:
We understood the importance of making a strong first impression and guiding our audience through the car-buying process. That's why we paid meticulous attention to our landing pages. We crafted them to be informative, user-friendly, and visually appealing. But we didn't stop there. We showcased real success stories and testimonials from satisfied customers, proving that we were the real deal. By highlighting these stories and walking potential buyers through the process, we built trust and confidence in our brand. It became a no-brainer for them to choose VINN Auto for their car-shopping needs.These strategies worked hand in hand, capturing attention on social media, engaging users through the interactive "Car Quiz," and leading them to our optimized landing pages. It was a holistic approach that ensured a seamless and enjoyable car-buying journey for our customers.

Users study 💬

I came up with the following conclusions

Users stated that it is important for them to be updated on the toddler's mood. After the nanny alerted that the toddler fell asleep (or two hours after the start of the shift, whichever is earlier) we would ask her an update on his mood.

Users noted that when the nanny and toddler spend time outside they are more tense so we will send them an alert when the nanny and toddler go out and enter the house.

Users are busy and do not have the time, or desire, to be updated on every detail of information. So the default alerts will be - after adding mood and leaving and entering the house.

the value 💎

So what should I give them?

A sense of security and control.

The "LP" ⚒📐

Some web designs that work

Wireframes ✏️🗒

Then to understand how
things are going to look I turned to the paper


A/B testing every aspect

Oh man, we had a blast experimenting with various strategies! We were like mad scientists, mixing and matching to find the winning formula. Here's a breakdown of what we tested:

1. Ad Copy Magic:
We played around with our ad copy, injecting it with some serious mojo. We tried different approaches like incorporating our company name, unleashing our catchy slogan "car shopping made simple," and using action-packed words like "Quiz" to grab attention. We wanted our ads to stand out in the crowd and pique curiosity. And you know what? It worked like a charm!

2. Visual Vibes:
We know that visuals speak louder than words, so we put them to the test. We experimented with a range of visuals, including illustrations, user-generated content (UGC), and real photos. And guess what? UGC and illustrations stole the show! They resonated most with our audience and brought that authentic and relatable vibe we were after.

3. Copy Themes Galore:
We didn't stop at just one copy theme. Oh no, we went wild! We unleashed a variety of copy themes to see what truly clicked with our peeps. We had tests based on end results, tugging at their heartstrings, calling out the specific problems people were facing, creating FOMO (fear of missing out), highlighting their genius for discovering us, getting straight to the point, and even giving them a choose-your-own-adventure experience. We left no stone unturned in our quest to find the perfect messaging that resonated with our target audience.

4. Incentives, Comparisons, and Personalization:
We threw in some extra spice to keep things interesting. We tested incentives to see if they would sweeten the deal and drive action. We compared ourselves to the competition, showcasing what made us stand out. And to connect on a personal level, we called out specific regions or job titles, making our audience feel like we were speaking directly to them. It was all about creating that meaningful connection.Phew! We went all out and left no strategy untested. We wanted to uncover what truly resonated with our audience and maximized their engagement. It was a thrilling ride of creativity and experimentation.


So what happened?

Guess what? Our hard work paid off big time! We scaled our marketing campaigns from a mere 300 leads per month to a whopping 8,000 leads per month. And get this, we managed to keep our cost per acquisition (CPA) relatively steady at around $10 to $13. Our awesome "Car Quiz" boosted conversion rates from 5% to a solid 13%. Plus, our landing pages rocked it, increasing the impact from 13% to a cool 18%. And hold on tight, 'cause our Typeform and demo ops pushed the conversion rates even higher, from 18% to a fantastic 25%. Oh, and we totally crushed it with UGC too, pumping up our click-through rates (CTR) from a measly 1.5% to a jaw-dropping 5% on various campaigns. Boom!

conclusion 🧠

So what did I learn?

Here's the scoop on what we learned through this wild ride. Tracking and accurate data are like our secret weapons in the lead generation game. Seriously, if you've got the numbers on your side, you're unstoppable! Market research and customer feedback are gold mines of insights, helping us make smarter decisions and fine-tune our strategies. And let's not forget about our brand's personality. We kept it consistent throughout the whole funnel, injecting our friendly tone and voice into every interaction. Oh, and Typeform? That thing is a lead-gen beast, my friend. Seriously, if you're not using it, you're missing out big time. Looking back, we wish we had geeked out on tracking and optimization sooner to speed up our growth. And hey, if we could turn back time, we'd totally invest more moolah in influencer marketing and PR to spread the word about our brand. Because, you know, it's all about making a big splash!

solution 👩🔬

Native app for managing and optimizing communication between parents and their toddler's nanny.

Parents Onboarding

After the parent has logged in through one of his social media profiles the app forwards him to chat with a bot that will take the information about the toddler.

Nanny’s Onboarding

All the information that was received during the parent's onboarding will be displayed to the nanny.

Home Instruction

To decrease unnecessary engagement with explanations to the nanny the app will allow adding AR notes around the house.

Home Instruction

So that the nanny can easily find what she needs.

Nanny’s Interaction

On the nanny's home page she will see all the messages left for her and enter the information about the toddler's agenda.

Parents Interaction

On the parents home page they can see all the info collected during the day in a quick and easy scan.


Native app for management
and optimization communication
between parents and their toddler nanny

Parents Onboarding

After the parent has logged in through one of his social media profiles the app forwards him to chat with a bot that will take the information about the toddler.

Nanny’s Onboarding

All the information that was received during the parent's onboarding will be displayed to the nanny.

Home Instruction

To decrease unnecessary engagement with explanations to the nanny the app will allow adding AR notes around the house.

Home Instruction

So that the nanny can easily find what she needs.

Nanny’s Interaction

On the nanny's home page she will see all the messages left for her and enter the information about the toddler's agenda.

Parents Interaction

On the parents home page they can see all the info collected during the day in a quick and easy scan.

design 🎨

Light, clean and up-to-date experience that will help parents be calm and focused while reinforcing the values ​​of security and control

Jonah Wong © 1998 — 2024. All W(r)ongs Reserved.